In use, keyholders/cardholders are simply and efficiently added with PAC SecureNet administration software by presenting a credential to the enrolment reader which reads a credentials unique embedded code. The reader may also be used to easily identify a lost credential and bring up the associated keyholder/cardholder record.All kits provide extended direct communications between the Administration Host PC and the nearest convenient PAC 512 - Access Controller which can be located up to 1,000m (3,280ft) away.
- Up to 30mm (1.18 in.) reading range
- Easy to install line driver enables connection to controller up to 1,000m (3,280ft) away
- Reads KeyPAC (125KHz) and PAC (153KHz) technologies
- Compatible with PAC 2100/2200 series and PAC 512 door controllers
Product Code: PR003